Khalsa Medical Clinic

436 N. Bedford Drive, Suite 308
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Khalsa Medical Clinic
Khalsa Medical Clinic

Dr. Khalsa's A Medicine That Reduces Cancer Risk by 65%!

Reduce your risk of cancer by over 65%!

In the United States, it is estimated that over 1.68 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed this year and there will be almost 600,000 deaths. A total of $125 billion was spent on cancer care in the United States in 2010 and this is expected to grow to over $150 billion in 2020.

This pushes us to make efforts to slow or reverse these upward trends in cancer incidence and the associated costs.

What if there were a drug that could reduce your risk of cancer by over 65%? Would you want to know about it and share it with your friends and family?

It would be on the front page of every newspaper in America and on the national television news every day. The drug companies making it would have huge profits, and would be marketing it to doctors and advertising it on TV!

A new study now shows there is such a medicine and it is not a drug! It is Vitamin D!

This new study has shown that vitamin D blood levels over 40 ng/mL are associated with more than a 65% lower cancer risk!

Specifically, in this study they looked at over 2000 women and followed them over multiple years along with their vitamin D levels.

The study looked at women with Vitamin D blood levels over 40 mg/mL and compared them with women whose blood levels were less than 20 ng/mL. In the group with the higher levels of vitamin D there was a 65% less risk of cancer!

With this new information about the benefits of vitamin D please be sure to take your vitamin D every day and give it to your family and friends. When you get your annual physical, in addition to a cholesterol and a diabetes test ask your doctor to run a vitamin D level and make sure you keep your blood test level of D over 40 ng/mL.

My long time patients and readers know that I have always encouraged them to keep their Vitamin D levels in the 40–70ng/ml range.

One wonders why this new information about Vitamin D is not making the front page headlines?

Let’s spread the word and let’s all do what we can to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases in our society.

To your good health !

Drop me a note or comment on twitter! @drsoram

Ref: Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations =40 ng/ml Are Associated with >65% Lower Cancer Risk: Pooled Analysis of Randomized Trial and Prospective Cohort Study.

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Please Note: Above statements are not written by Health Realizations nor the opinion of Health Realizations

Contact Us
Address : 436 N. Bedford Drive, Suite 308
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone : 310-274-6200
Fax : 310 274 8600
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Please call today: 310-274-6200 to make an appointment 
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